Philco 44

Brand: Philco Radio &
Telev. Corp.Year Of
Manufacture:1934 Frequency Range(s): 520-1500 KC, 1.5-4.0 MC, 4.0-11 MC, 11-23
Tube lineup: 80
Rectifier, 42 Output, 75 2nd Det/1st A.F., 78 1st I.F., 78 2nd I.F., 6A7 Det/Osc
Schematic: Available here,
of Nostalgia Air.
Riders 4-23
Instruction Manual:
Philco 44
Instructions 1.7MB
Philco was purchased from a fellow IHRS in
Indianapolis during a February 2007 swap meet. Lacking any decent
style radios in my collection, this one looked like a reasonable
project. The radio was complete parts wise, but the cabinet was
suffering from some major veneer damage, and the speaker cone had been
smashed. Below center: The damaged
speaker and grill cloth.
chassis for this radio was complete and almost all original. All of
the paper and electrolytic capacitors were encased in the common Philco
"Bakelite Block" type cases. The capacitors are sealed in a
black tar like substance, so a heat gun was used to soften the tar and
scrape out the old caps. Once the cases were clean, new capacitors were
installed inside, preserving the original look of the chassis. Like
usual, this radio uses a large wire wound type power resistor, and it
was reading open on a ohm meter. A modern ceramic type of the same
value and wattage was soldered in place beneath the original. The
speaker was a challenge. Not only was the cone torn, it was also warped
to an extent where the voice coil rubbed on the frame. Fabric glue was
used to repair the cone, and electrical tape was used to put tension on
different sections while the glue was wet to get the cone realigned.
The first thing that caught my eye was a large burn
spot where the antenna coil was suppose to be. At one time something
must have cooked it, perhaps lightening. Not being able to find a
replacement coil, it was bypassed all together. Performance wise, the
radio sounds excellent without it. Below
the burnt area where the antenna coil use to be.

cabinet took the most time on this project, and most of that time
was spent rebuilding the smashed grill and missing section of trim on
the lower right corner. After several weeks of patching and gluing, the
cabinet was once again whole and solid. Mowhawk brand toners and
lacquers were used as the new finish. The replacement veneer is
noticeable, but not too bad for my first major repair. A replacement
grill cloth and decal were purchased from Radiodaze.
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2007 "Jeremy's Antique Radios"